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In nephrotic syndrome, protein leaks from blood to urine through glomeruli,
causing hypoproteinaemia, including loss of immunoglobulins, and oedema.
Before steroids (and antibiotics), many died from infections.
- Generalised Oedema
- Proteinuria (urinary protein-creatinine ratio (PCR) >200mg/mmol)
- Albumin <25g/L ±
- Hypercholesterolaemia
- In 90% of cases, the cause is unknown.
- Any of the causes of nephritis can also cause nephrotic syndrome.
- Usually minimal change glomerulonephritis (GN), often associated with allergy and IgE production.
- Classified as: Steroid-sensitive (SS), Steroid-dependent (SD), Steroid-resistant (SR)
- Insidious onset of oedema, typically starting periorbital and then becoming generalized.
- Anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbance, infections, irritability, ascites, oliguria.
- Urine: Frothy; albuminous ± casts; decreased sodium (secondary hyperaldosteronism).
- Blood: Decreased albumin (resulting in decreased total calcium); normal urea and creatinine levels.
- Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio (PCR): >200 mg/mmol
- Albumin: <25 g/L ± hypercholesterolemia
- Renal Biopsy for older children with any of the following: Haematuria, Elevated blood pressure, Elevated urea levels, Unselective protein loss (large molecular weights as well as small), Treatment failures
General Management
- Get help and consult with a senior.
- Eat healthily with no added salt and no high-protein content.
- Fluid restriction to 800–1000 mL/day.
- Administer diuretics if very oedematous and no evidence of hypovolemia.
- Albumin infusion for symptomatic hypovolemia or severe diuretic-resistant oedema (discuss with senior).
- Pneumococcal vaccination if age >2 years.
Medical management
- Prednisolone: 60 mg/m²/day (max 80 mg) for 4 weeks, then 40 mg/m² every 48 hours for 4 weeks, followed by a taper over 4 months. 90% respond within 8 weeks.
Most children
with nephrotic syndrome respond to corticosteroids. Many have a relapsing course with recurrent oedema and proteinuria. Corticosteroids reduce mortality to 3%, with infection remaining the most important cause
of death. If steroid toxicity and relapsing nephrotic syndrome, consider cyclophosphamide or ciclosporin. Note: Ciclosporin is nephrotoxic, so monitor blood pressure.
- Steroid-resistant proteinuria, Consider Enalapril >2yrs: dose example: 1 month–12yrs: initially
100mcg/kg/day (monitor BP carefully for 1–2h; increase as needed to 0.5mg/ kg/12h (maximum). In one study, urine protein electrophoresis showed a reduction of 80% and 70% in the total protein and albumin, respectively, after
enalapril. Some patients become free of proteinuria. ACE-i are discontinued if renal failure occurs, eg during infections.
- Pneumococcal peritonitis or other infections due to renal loss of immunoglobulins.
- Increased risk of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism (VTE).