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Related Subjects: |Subarachnoid Haemorrhage |Haemorrhagic stroke
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are abnormal tangles of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins, disrupting normal blood flow and oxygen circulation. Though rare, they carry a significant risk of intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage, particularly in younger individuals.
Condition | Description |
Sturge-Weber Syndrome | Marked by facial port-wine stain, neurological abnormalities, and brain hemangiomas. AVMs are rare but leptomeningeal angiomatosis can cause seizures and hemiparesis. |
Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia | A genetic disorder leading to abnormal blood vessel formation, including AVMs. Symptoms include frequent nosebleeds, telangiectasias, and visceral AVMs. |
This grading system assesses the risk of surgical intervention: