Disclaimer - please read and do not use this if you do not accept conditions
1. Makindo contains general medical information. This is not advice and should not be treated as such.
2. The medical information contained is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied.
3. Despite our best effort at accuracy, we do not warrant or represent that the medical information here is true, accurate, complete, current or non-misleading.
4. This information is not an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or another professional healthcare provider.
5. If you are a medical/nursing or allied professional, this information is not an alternative to seeking help from peers or your seniors.
6. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.
7. If you or others are unwell, do not delay seeking medical advice, do not disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in abcmedicalnotes.
8. The information provided is for personal study only. If you disagree, then please delete this app from your device and do not use Makindo.co.uk
If you want to add or suggest material please email me
drokane@gmail.com. This is all done for free for you but costs me time and effort and several hundred dollars per year in website fees and developer fees. Please donate if you would like. Please share widely and tell your colleagues. Alternatively check out my book at Acute Medicine Textbook
- Now over 3000 Detailed notes in Makindo 2025
- There are 2462 Detailed Notes in abcmedicalnotes April 2021
- There are 2425 Detailed Notes in abcmedicalnotes January 2021
- Welcome to Makindo.co.uk. This has now been produced for IOS, android and PC desktops. Find facts faster and don't waste your precious time searching for answers on google and being distracted by other trivia. ABC Medical Notes means that you can have all the important clinical and academic facts at your fingertips, whether on the ward round, in a clinic, doing MCQs, or preparing for exams such as Finals, MRCP or USMLE.
- Use it at home or on the tube or on the bus revising or in the lift or long corridor going to see a patient. It has a fantastic search button that searches over two thousand pages of medical facts. We produce new content with planned updates. The Search facility means you can quickly do a search of all titles and returns all with the word in the title. The Super search facility then allows you to searches the entire database of over 2360 detailed topics for that word and shows all the articles with that word. Very useful for rare and uncommon terms or very precise terms.
Legal Notice please read
- This app contains general medical information. This is not advice and should not be treated as such. The medical information contained is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. Despite our best effort at accuracy, we do not warrant or represent that the medical information here is true, accurate, complete, current or non-misleading.
- This Information is not alternative to medical advice from your doctor or another professional healthcare provider. If you are a medical/nursing or allied professional, this information is not alternative to seeking help from peers or your seniors.
- If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. Do not delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in abcmedicalnotes
The information provided is for personal study only. If you disagree then, please remove it from your device and do not use abcmedicalnotes
- I am a busy general internal medicine, stroke, geriatric medicine and acute medicine specialist in the UK. I continually add updates, but the only time I have to upload more is when I am on my holidays and evenings and weekends. I also thank my wonderful wife and children for their patience when I disappear to dedicate my nights and weekends, and holidays to working on this.
- It is the result of 1000s of hours of work over 10 years, both content generation and software development. I hope it saves you time and helps you with your studies. I hope this collection of notes is useful. If there are any errors or omissions, or comments, please email me at drokane@gmail.com.
Version History
- 11th April Version 1.0 released with 800 topics
- 17th
April version 1.1 released with 1000 topics with multiple re-edits
- June version 2.0 released with 1100 topics with multiple re-edits and new indexing and search upgrades to software
- June version 2.1 released with 1180 topics with multiple re-edits and new indexing and search upgrades to the software. Change to data formatting.
- July
2011: version released with 1218 topics with re-edits. Released Pocket neurology,
pocket medicine.
- August 2014 : released Android Version,
- September 2014:
New iOS and iPad version,
- September 2014 : Changed name from Pocketmednotes to the shorter doknotes
- September 2014: added further entries and now up to 1455 entries. Ongoing re-editing and rewriting of content.
- September 2014:
The disclaimer now only shows once. Legal section added.
- September 24 2014:
Removed repeated showing of the initial box. Legal section redefined. Some changes to
HTML. Rewriting articles. Now at 1465
- August 2016: change to the search box and
Added content. Now version 10.
- April 2016: Added new notes now total is 1914.
Continuing to review and edit and add new content.
- August 2017: Now expanded to
Over 1970 entries. Ongoing editing and updates. The target is 2000 entries.
- October
2017: Now expanded to over 2020 entries. Ongoing editing and updates. Released Pro
version with all notes and a non-pro version with 300 detailed notes.
- November 2017:
Split into a free version with 300 free notes and a pro version with ongoing notes - now
- March 2018: Renamed ABC Medical Notes. Update 2100 notes. Produced free and Pro version.
- August 2019: update to new android IOS version for Android and 2149 notes
- September 2019: update to new android IOS version for Android and 2163 notes
- June 2020: created web-based version with full-text search
- If you have any views on the material presented please email me at admin@medexam.net.
- If there is content that you would like to have at your
fingertips, please get in touch.
- If you come across any errors or have any
suggestions then please get in touch.
- I dedicate this to two
dedicated and inspiring clinicians - Dr Seamus Coyle FRCP and Prof Jennifer Adgey FACC
both of whom I had the pleasure to work for.
- Last updated 02/08/2018
- Copyright Dr Declan O'Kane MB BCh MD FRCP FAcadMEd DipCompSci(Cantab) 2011-2022