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Related Subjects: Asthma |Acute Severe Asthma |Exacerbation COPD |Pulmonary Embolism |Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema |Pneumothorax |Tension Pneumothorax |Respiratory (Chest) infections Pneumonia |Fat embolism |Hyperventilation Syndrome |ARDS |Respiratory Failure |Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Alveolar Gas Equation: PAO₂ = (Patm - PH₂O) FiO₂ - PaCO₂ / RQ
At sea level, the alveolar PAO₂ is: PAO₂ = (760 - 47) × 0.21 - 40 / 0.8 = 99.7 mm Hg
A-a Gradient: A-a gradient = PAO₂ - PaO₂
The primary variables influencing the alveolar gas equation include atmospheric pressure, inspired oxygen fraction, and carbon dioxide levels. These factors have significant clinical relevance, providing insights into various physiological and pathophysiological conditions.