Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia) |
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Coagulation profile
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Thyroid function tests
- Iron supplementation for anaemia
- Hormonal therapy (oral contraceptives, progesterone)
- Tranexamic acid or NSAIDs for bleeding control
- Refer to gynecologist for further evaluation (endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy)
Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea) |
- Pelvic ultrasound to rule out secondary causes (e.g., endometriosis)
- Physical examination (pelvic exam)
- NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen) for pain relief
- Hormonal therapy (oral contraceptives, IUD)
- For secondary dysmenorrhea: Treat underlying cause (e.g., endometriosis, fibroids)
Absent or Irregular Periods (Amenorrhea/Oligomenorrhea) |
- Pregnancy test (hCG)
- Thyroid function tests
- Prolactin levels
- Pelvic ultrasound to assess for structural abnormalities (e.g., PCOS)
- LH/FSH levels
- Treat underlying cause (e.g., thyroid disorder, PCOS)
- Weight management and lifestyle changes for PCOS
- Hormonal therapy to regulate cycles (oral contraceptives or progesterone)
- Refer to endocrinology or gynecology if needed
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) / Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) |
- Clinical diagnosis based on history and symptom tracking
- Thyroid function tests (to rule out thyroid disorder)
- Lifestyle changes (exercise, diet)
- SSRIs (for severe PMS or PMDD)
- Hormonal therapy (oral contraceptives)
- Calcium and magnesium supplements
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) |
- Pelvic ultrasound (to visualize ovarian cysts)
- LH/FSH ratio
- Testosterone levels
- Glucose tolerance test or fasting insulin levels
- Lifestyle modifications (weight loss, exercise)
- Metformin for insulin resistance
- Hormonal therapy to regulate periods (oral contraceptives)
- Refer to endocrinology or reproductive endocrinology for fertility concerns
Endometriosis |
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Laparoscopy (definitive diagnosis)
- NSAIDs for pain relief
- Hormonal therapy (oral contraceptives, GnRH agonists)
- Laparoscopic surgery for severe cases
- Refer to gynecologist for specialized care